Overture Center:
LEgacy for the arts

Performing Arts Support & Recognition

Digital Design | UI/UX Design | Content Strategy | Donor Recognition

As the largest performing arts center in Madison, the Overture Center for the Arts is committed to its mission “to support and elevate our community’s creative culture, economy, and quality of life through the arts.” In addition to providing Madison with a season packed with performances of all genres, Overture supports ten resident companies, hosts dozens of community and educational events, and promotes local artists in their many galleries. To do this, they rely on the support of the community. To recognize the Overture Center’s generous supporters, the design team at ZEBRADOG created an eye-catching exhibit in the main lobby. The design embraces the aesthetic of the building, featuring calming colors to match the lobby interior and broad gesture navigation. The large monitor highlights the history of the Overture, information on the many community programs, profiles and video interviews of the “Local Legend” who make the center possible, and a call to action for becoming a supporter. When not in use, life-size dancers, musicians, and actors “practice” behind the blue-green glass of the display, giving visitors the illusion of peeking backstage.


To learn more about this project, you can view the ZEBRADOG project video at the link below.


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